IRA and 401(k) Rollovers
Did you know that how you transfer your IRA or 401k accounts can have a huge impact on whether or not the money is taxable? DFW Retirement Planners are your premier IRA and 401k rollover experts and we’ll help make sure that your rollovers are handled properly so that you can continue to receive the tax benefits that you’ve become accustomed to.
Our two offices are located in Fort Worth and Dallas, Texas. One of our friendly team members will be happy to answer any questions that you have about rollovers or any additional services that may be of interest.

What Happens To My 401k If I Lose My Job?
If your employment ends and you’ve accumulated funds in a 401k account, you have three choices; keep it in the plan, cash it out or roll it over into another retirement account. We’ll discuss cashing it out in the next section but for now we’ll stick to rolling it over or leaving it alone.
One thing to consider is that many employers often match a certain percentage of your 401k contributions. Not all companies do this but if yours did, you’ll no longer receive the match that you once did. This, combined with other reasons may make your current 401k account less desirable than it once was. DFW Retirement Planners will look at your individual situation and help you determine what your next steps should be.
One of your options may be to rollover your 401k account into a qualified IRA account. Our specialists will help you choose the plan that’s best suited for you.
I Need Money, What About Cashing Out?
If your employment had ended and you’re left to make the decision of what to do with your 401k account, cashing out may seem like a good idea, but it’s not. While unexpected bills or life events may prompt you to cash out, you’re going to lose a lot of your hard earned money. There are taxes and penalties assessed if you cash out your 401k that’ll significantly reduce the amount that you end up receiving. On top of the money that you’ll be losing, you’ll be depleting your retirement savings which will set you back on your retirement goals.
What if you cash out but then deposit the funds into an IRA? Often, people assume that if they cash out their 401k but then immediately open another qualified account that it protects them against taxes and penalties. Unfortunately, penalties and taxes are still assessed if the proper transfer guidelines were not followed. DFW Retirement Planners will assist you with your rollover to ensure that you get to keep your money and continue to receive tax benefits.
Is Rolling Over My 401k Or IRA Best Suited For My Retirement Plans?
Your retirement may have changed since you first start putting money into your 401k or IRA account. If you have a 401k or IRA and you’re thinking about a rollover, we can help you decide whether it meets your current or future financial planning goals.
Are There Other Rollover Options?
In most instances a 401k is usually rolled over into another 401k or a qualified IRA account. IRAs are typically rolled over into another IRA account but there may be other options depending on your needs and specific situation. When we meet with you, we’ll address all of your concerns and go over your options in entirety.
At DFW Retirement Planners, you can count on courteous service, a professional staff and the expertise that you need for your 401k and IRA rollovers.