Joe Elsasser has a problem that plenty of advisors wish they had themselves: His retirement planning practice in Omaha, Neb., is growing so fast, he’s worried he soon won’t be able to keep pace with the workload.
“If this keeps snowballing, I could be in real trouble,” Elsasser, a certified financial planner who runs Sequent Planning, says with a wistful laugh.
As the heads of their own thriving advisory firms, Rosemary Caligiuri of Harvest Group Financial Services in Langhorne, Pa., and James E. Poe of DFW Retirement Planners in Dallas-Ft. Worth, can sympathize with Elsasser. They, too, run practices whose revenues are consistently robust, whose client and prospect pipelines are consistently full, and whose competitive standing in the markets they serve is consistently strong.
How did Elsasser, Caligiuri and Poe get their firms to the top? And what are they doing strategically to stay there?